Summer Camp Staff

Below you can read up on our wonderful team of dedicated individuals involved in providing your child with an unforgettable summer that's both fun and educational!

Summer Camp Director
After the executive direction of Spanish in the World, our team of summer camp directors hold the highest degree of responsibility. They work closely with camp counselors and coordinators and oversee their respective camps to ensure that they are running smoothly.

Summer Camp Coordinators
Participants in Spanish in the World's summer language camps are divided into three categories: Kids, Juniors and Seniors. Each of these categories has a coordinator who works closely with his or her group of counselors in the development and supervision of all camp activities and sports.

Summer Camp Counselors
Summer camp counselors are in charge of providing their group with round-the-clock supervision and assistance. In the majority of our camps we assign one counselor to each group of 8 to 12 students. The only exceptions are our special Granada and Sevilla junior programs, where there will be one summer camp counselor for every 12 to 15 students.

Summer Camp Teachers
During their language classes, summer camp participants will be under the instruction and supervision of our experienced team of highly qualified, specially trained language teachers. Learn more about our summer camp teaching staff: Summer Language Course Information.

Prices & Dates

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